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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Boston Bomb Suspects

The three men standing together in the bottom corner of the image are the ones in question. It’s important to note, this location, as I will show next, is less than 50 feet away from the point of detonation of the first bomb. See the flags and the plywood wall? Use that as a reference in the next image which you will recognize from previous pictures. Also important to note:
before blast
As you can see in the photo below, the men were standing around, waiting, less than 50 feet from where the first bomb was detonated.
Below are the images of the two men found by 4Chan. What you see are two photos: one is a larger version of what is above, the other taken of these two men sometime during the day.  They are clearly wearing matching military grade pants and boots, dark jackets and both seem to be in communication with others. Both men appear to be of military  age or just old enough to have left the military and joined up with a merc firm. Both have military style haircuts.
boston 19
Not much has been mentioned of the third man standing between them. Would he be the person they were in contact with in the other photo and could he be a handler there to run interference for the ops? As you can see, the backpacks are clearly large enough to carry the explosive devices. The only question is when was the photo of them standing in the street taken. Makes a big difference.
I also noticed that the hat worn by the one guy is definitely from Craft International, the company set up by Chris Kyle. Here is a closer view of the hat:
craft logo on hat
Notice the red patch on the right side of the hat above the ear and the white lettering? Not just the skull with the word “Craft” written on it’s forehead…
That is definitely a Craft International hat he is wearing. Craft bills itself as a training company for security professionals but they probably contract as well. They have ties to the corporate and government worlds. I don’t know what became of them since their founder was killed in a very odd shooting which took place at a gun range in Texas a couple months ago. But it is odd that someone so close to the bomb site is seen carrying a back back exactly like the one the Feds are looking for and wearing a hat from his company.

You should go back and read my article on the subject. They had no motive for the shooting and the guy who supposedly killed him was still active reserve. Very odd indeed.
It’s also interesting that as soon as this information hit the web this morning from 4Chan, the MSM came out with a story that the culprits had been arrested, only to recant that story later.
Were these guys found and detained as a result of the 4Chan story (4Chan is the biggest online alternative investigation site on the planet… they are DEFINITELY being monitored) and then subsequently released due to their connections?
I don’t know what this means but if that photo of them in the street is taken before the attack, they should definitely be detained and questioned.
UPDATE: This large image shows these two guys still very near the area where the first bomb went off still with their backpacks.
boston 24
Are they security contractors? Were they the back-up plan for these guys?
boston 23
boston 22
UPDATE 2: A reader suggests the hat is not from Craft International. I disagree.
craft hat proof

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