McDonalds is full of salt and sugar which isn't healthy for the human body. As it has so much bad stuff in it, overnight it builds up in your body, causing you to put on weight. That's why you should not have it every day.
By exercising you can get rid of that built up weight like: Running, Jogging, Swimming, Cycling, Jumping, Gym, etc. I always thought of McDonald's as junk food and terribly unhealthy. But for fun, I looked up the nutritional information of the French fries, which I always associate with McDonald's, and have found that it really isn't that bad! There is fiber, protein, and most of the fat that is found in it isn't even saturated. A recent study at McGill University in Montreal , Canada proved that gremlin, a hunger-inducing hormone in our gut, enhances the image of junk food's yummiest. The stimulant is naturally activated when hungry, causing quarter pounders and greasy pizza to look overwhelmingly tasty and unavoidable, as if we're junkies looking at crack. Coverage of this study at science fiction blog io9 was assigned the following headline: Fast Food Joints Add Hormone to Food That Makes You Want to Eat More. Despite this insinuation of food tampering, the McGill study never said that. Or aimed to prove that. Along with the headline, the entry created a scandalous tone by noting, "since ghrelin isn't regulated, a fast food restaurant that wanted to sell more food could easily turn it into an additive in their hamburgers or donuts, essentially 'addicting' people to their food.." But as far as we know, Ronald McDonald hasn't done that. Most commenter’s responded with "aha!" remarks. As if, all this time, we've been duped into eating fries laced with a crack-like drug. See, it's not my fault I wolfed down that entire extra-value meal, readers must have been thinking. Instead, the study proves that when we're hungry, we're vulnerable. Just like Mama always said: don't go to the grocery store when famished. You'll buy tons of crap you don't need. The same goes for any fast food joint. Mr. Ghrelin the Cunning Hormone will jump out and talk you into that double-bacon cheeseburger you don't really want. He's the sneaky one here, not necessarily the fast food lords.
While doing the research for my blog post today, concerning nutrition, I found McDonalds nutrition as a trending keyword. At first I had to laugh, like there’s any real nutritional value in most of the food served by the fast food chain. My laughter quickly turned to “holy sh**” mode when I noticed the list of trending keywords also included Wendys nutrition, Arbys nutrition and others.The first question that popped into my mind is “What would possess people to conduct a search for nutritional facts concerning ANY fast food nutrition whether it be McDonalds nutrition or the like?”Here are a few scenarios to consider…The Parent Factor: Could it be that the reason so many people are going to Google and typing in the keyword McDonalds nutrition is to prove to their children that fast food is really bad for them? Perhaps…The Curiosity Factor: Could it be that some people just get a random thought that tells them to go do a Google search for McDonalds nutrition because they have absolutely nothing better to search for? Maybe…The Competition Factor: Could it be that other fast food chains are Googling McDonalds nutrition in an attempt to prove to the public that their fast food is somehow better than Mcdonalds fast food? A likely scenario…
By exercising you can get rid of that built up weight like: Running, Jogging, Swimming, Cycling, Jumping, Gym, etc.

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