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Friday, June 29, 2012

Will Obama Care Affect the Middle Class?

My opinion is, "Yes". If you have a good job with medical benefits. You may loose your current medical Benefits. Why, Now this is just my personal opinion.  I believe that the major insurance may start to go out of business. Why? Look at this way, companies pay $1,000.'s to for there employees medical benefits.  But if they can stop paying for these benefits. Because the employees can go on Obama Care, They will save $1,000.'s When Obama Care kicks in, there will be many changes in the corporate world. 
But if you do not currently have good medical benefits. This act can help. 

On 6/28/2012 the Supreme Court decision upholding President Barack Obama's health-care law affects nearly every American.
The law tells almost everyone they must have health coverage and guarantees it will be available to them even if they are already ill or need hugely expensive care. It helps the poor and many middle-class people afford coverage.

What will happen now is that t
he 2010 health-care law will keep taking affect. It's expected to bring coverage to about 30 million uninsured people. Overall, more than 9 in every 10 eligible Americans will be covered.

Some parts are already in affect: Young adults can stay on their parents' insurance up to age 26. Insurers can't deny coverage to children with health problems. Limits on how much policies will pay out to each person over a lifetime are eliminated. Hundreds of older people already are saving money through improved Medicare prescription benefits. And co-payments for preventive care for all ages have been eliminated.

But we don't haft to worry, Because, Obama care will not go into  affect right away. It will be starting in 2014, almost everyone will be required to be insured or pay a fine. There are subsidies to help people who can't afford coverage. Most employers will face fines if they don't offer coverage for their workers. Newly created insurance markets will make it easier for individuals and small businesses to buy affordable coverage. And Medicaid will be expanded to cover more low-income people.

Insurers will be prohibited from denying coverage to people with medical problems or charging those people more. They won't be able to charge women more either. During the transition to 2014, a special program for people with pre-existing health problems helps these people get coverage.
An assortment of tax increases, health-industry fees and Medicare cuts will help pay for the changes.
Still, not everyone will be covered.

An estimated 26 million people will remain without coverage once the law is fully implemented, including illegal immigrants, people who don't sign up and choose to face the fines instead, and those who can't afford it even with the subsidies. That number could be higher, depending on whether any states refuse the Medicaid expansion.
The question is, Is this Good or Bad?
How do you think it will affect you?

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